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Free Capacity building Fundraising

FreeFFA - Free capacity building funding applications

For a limited time only, we are willing to help your charity apply for funding for free provided that you fulfil the following 3 criteria (A, B and C):


A. Your charity is focussed on ANY of the following areas:
  1. Reducing alcohol harm and gender-based violence

  2. Helping communities live in harmony with the environment for example building local food value chains, creating waste management plants or creating river-based economies

  3. Help communities set up reading and or numeracy programs for young children

  4. Supporting learners who have been failed by the education system (eg apprenticeships for school drop-outs, supporting teachers.

  5. Help combat the scourge of stunting eg helping individuals & communities create food security programs, improve access to basic nutritional foods for all in the country

  6. Helping unemployed youth find work

  7. Provide physical and or Psycho-Social support for at risk students and learners to help prevent school drop-out of University and school

  8. Help woman and girls to thrive


B. Your charity would like Luceo to help you build capacity in ANY of the following ways:
  1. Start using modern technology to run their charity (eg set up a funder database, website, email engine or S18a tax receipt system) (FTS & S18A)

  2. Improve fundraising from the general public (FMS)

  3. Improve staff management e.g. burnout prevention or team development.

  4. Improve service delivery tracking (M&E)

  5. Assess their org health & draw up a Development plan for the org (OHC)

  6. Do an annual Governance health assessment & training with the board (Gov)

  7. Improve Org policies eg policies to improve financial control, Occupational Health and safety, Popia etc. (OPS)


C. You fulfil ALL of the following size criteria:
  1. You have been in operation for at least 5 years

  2. You have at least 5 staff members

  3. You have an annual turnover of more than R600k.


To date we’ve secured on average R219k per charity! Even if we don’t manage to secure the funding for you, you will still learn a LOT about how an experienced fundraiser (Luceo) went about motivating for your support. This is a limited opportunity so don't miss out - reach out to us today!


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