Org Health Check
OHC - Helping orgs assess risks & create an Org Dev plan
Luceo’s Organisational Health Check is a game-changing tool designed to help South African Non-profits assess their current operations. Have complete peace of mind as we help you
identify risks,
uncover opportunities and
create a clear development plan for your charity.
7 areas are assessed:
Legal, Fundamentals & Governance
Identity & Purpose
Production Health (i.e. service delivery to clients & M&E practices)
Team Health
Assets to Operate
External Health (Marketing)
Financial Health & Financial Control
Once the staff have completed the assessment, Luceo analyse the data and write the Organisational Development Plan. The latter comes complete with a plan of attack and quotes for the first number of recommendations. As we discuss the findings with your board, you can choose to implement changes in-house or leverage our professional services to assist you.