Strengthen Governance
Gov - helping boards provide good governance
Most non-profit boards is a small collection of ordinary people who care about the charity. They have not received any formal governance training but they are willing to serve and want to see the charity thrive. If that is you, we can help you take up this important task of governance.
Being a board member of a charity carries real responsibility - if something went wrong at the charity, the board could be held responsible eg through a charge of negligence! Fortunately, the good news is that with a bit training, and with a bit of effort to apply training, board members can easily dispense the responsibilities placed upon them.
Allow Luceo
to draw alongside the board and help you with Governance training on key concepts such as fiduciary responsibility, risk management, due diligence, conflict of interest, delineation of duties, and much, much more
to do our Annual Governance Health Check with your board so you can evaluate the effectiveness of the board, identify gaps, set goals for Board development and grow your governance practice.